This outpatient procedure is an injection of a steroid-anesthetic medication through an opening in the sacrum. The medication can reduce swelling and inflammation of irritated spinal nerves. The injection takes only a few minutes to complete, and can make a massive difference for patients who are struggling with chronic back pain. Learn more about how The Physicians can help you find relief.
This injection relieves pain in the neck, shoulders, and arms caused by a pinched nerve (or nerves) in the cervical spine. Conditions such as herniated discs and spinal stenosis can compress nerves, causing inflammation and pain. The medication injected helps decrease the swelling of nerves. If you’re struggling with a condition of the cervical spine, The Physicians can help.
This injection procedure is performed to relieve neck, shoulder and arm pain related to compression of a nerve root in the cervical spine. Conditions such as herniated discs and spinal stenosis can compress nerves, causing inflammation and pain. The medication injected helps decrease the swelling of nerves. If your back pain stems from compression of a nerve root, The Physicians can offer treatment.
A discography procedure, also called a “discogram,” helps your doctor find painful spinal discs. It can show the source of pain in your back. For patients who are not responding to conservative methods of treatment for back pain, a discogram performed by the experts at The Physicians Spine & Rehabilitation Specialists can definitively determine where the pain is coming from, down to the specific disc.
The facet joints, found on both sides of the back of the spine, can become painfully irritated or inflamed. A facet joint injection may help diagnose the source of a patient’s pain. It can also relieve pain and inflammation. At The Physicians Spine & Rehabilitation Specialists, we offer three types of facet injections for back pain, depending on the region of your pain: thoracic, lumbar, and cervical.
An epidural lysis of adhesions procedure (LOA) is a minimally-invasive method of removing scar tissue in the abdomen or pelvis, which is often a source of chronic pain. Scar tissue can develop for a number of reasons, from surgery to infection. When The Physicians perform lysis of adhesions, they are able to destroy this tissue and accelerate your body’s natural healing process.
At The Physicians Spine & Rehabilitation Specialists, we perform lumbar epidural steroid injection procedures to relieve low back and radiating leg pain. Steroid medication can reduce the swelling and inflammation caused by spinal conditions, and lumbar (lower back) conditions are no exception. If you’re struggling with lower back pain, a lumbar epidural steroid may be an effective option for you.
This outpatient procedure is an injection of a steroid-anesthetic medication. The medication can reduce swelling and inflammation of irritated spinal nerves. This procedure is performed to relieve pain in the lower back and pain that radiates from the back to the legs. The experienced team at The Physicians Spine & Rehabilitation Specialists perform lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injections frequently, and each injection takes only a few minutes to complete.
When The Physicians perform a major joint or bursa injection, they will penetrate one of the bursa -- a fluid-filled sac that exists to lubricate your joints -- of whichever area is affected by your symptoms. This injection can be diagnostic (helpful in definitively determining which joint is the source of pain), or it can be used to relieve pain in a case of bursitis or other joint condition.
The Physicians Spine & Rehabilitation Specialists are passionate about providing the least invasive treatment options possible to our patients. During this minimally-invasive procedure, the physician uses heat from radio waves to treat painful facet joints in your lower back. This procedure is also called radiofrequency rhizotomy. It can treat pain that doesn’t respond to medications or to physical therapy.
The Physicians will generally perform a sacroiliac injection procedure to relieve pain caused by arthritis in the sacroiliac joint where the spine and hip bone meet. The steroid medication can reduce swelling and inflammation in the joint. For many patients who live with arthritis, sacroiliac injections make a huge difference in their overall quality of life.
A thoracic epidural steroid injection is an outpatient procedure which the experts at The Physicians Spine & Rehabilitation Specialists often perform to relieve pain in the upper back. Those who struggle with back pain in the thoracic area -- that is, the area between the shoulders -- often find that steroid injections provide them with much-needed relief from their chronic condition.
The Physicians frequently perform thoracic transforaminal epidural injection procedures to relieve pain in the upper back (thoracic spine). However, unlike a thoracic epidural steroid injection, a thoracic transforaminal injection can also help relieve ribs, and abdomen caused by a pinched nerve in the area. If you’re experiencing chronic pain in the thoracic region, it may be due to a pinched nerve, and a thoracic transforaminal epidural injection may help.
This outpatient procedure is designed to reduce or relieve the pain of trigger points. These small, tender knots can form in muscles or in the fascia (the soft, stretchy connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs). The trigger point injection procedure takes only a few minutes to complete, and The Physicians are highly experienced in administering them.